How To Write The Best Climax Scene for Your Story
Hey guys, I’m sure you all have heard screenwriters talking about the Climax. Well, that’s because the Climax is the most expected turning point from the audience. It’s the scene we’re patiently waiting to see through the entire movie.So what exactly is Climax? How can we locate it in movies? And… how can we write Climax in our own stories?
5 Important Steps to Write a Better Logline
Lots of people are talking about the logline, but what is a logline and why it is so important? How can you write a good logline? In this article I’m going to show you, what is, in my opinion, the best method to use in order to write a strong logline. Keep reading to find out what are the 5 most important steps to write a better logline!
How To Find The Beginning Of Act 3 (with Video)
In the 3 Act Structure Model, we separate the story in three basic parts, the beginning, the middle and the end, so, we call Act 3 the end of the story. But how can we find where is Act 3? When Act 3 begins? – When the story comes to its final step.
How To Understand Act 1 Using The House Analogy
In the 3-act structure it has prevailed to name the beginning of the story, known also as the setup, Act 1. Respectively, Act 2 is the middle of a story, and Act 3 the end. But what exactly is Act 1?