Who’s Behind The Curtain? | About me

Hello movie lovers!
My name is Apollonia Tsanta and I’m from Greece. Friends also call me Apple or Paulina. I’ve started this blog, after teaching screenwriting for 4 years and finding out that there are many ways to improve our writing technique. Simple ways.
And yes, there is a technique. Talent doesn’t mean that I grab the pencil and I write whatever comes to my mind, just as music talent doesn’t mean that I start playing the piano without learning notes and chords etc.
But the most important of all is to help you learn how to use the (abundance of) tools to develop your very own technique, the one that works for you. So, I’m gonna write about these kind of stuff in here, and I’m also going to analyse screenplays and movies. It has come to my knowledge, during my teaching years, that many people don’t really know “how” to watch a film. We’re often missing very important keys in a film, and I’m going to write about these, hoping to help not only aspiring screenwriters but also aspiring directors or even cinephiles.
Sooo, I’m a screenwriter from Greece, I have completed theoretical theatre studies and I’ve recently had my first feature screenplay made into a movie. I’ve co-written the script with my colleague and best friend, Dimitris, and we were both so happy to see “Blue Queen” on the big screen!
Well, I’m happy to start!
Feel free to ask questions or even suggest posts you would like to read!